A Message from the Founder

We believe there are hundreds of incredibly gifted, wonderful digital marketers out there who can really make a difference. So, we built a free, open marketplace and worked diligently to create analysis tools that transparently, fairly, and ethically critique their work.

Buzzshare is the culmination of 20 years of experience in SEO and Online PR and is here to fundamentally focus on three major industry problems:

  • How can a business owner find and work with the very best digital marketing talent to get the maximum ROI?
  • How can the best digital marketing talent be found easily?
  • What systems should be put in place to reward digital marketing talent for being great and demote digital marketing talent if they are not?

As a company, we have an obligation to remain neutral in all aspects. Therefore, we take 0% commission from any digital marketing service on our platform, focusing our efforts on analyzing the standard of the work.

In these early stages, our analysis is rooted in understanding the quality of the website's authority in the eyes of Google. Many of our digital marketing talents have long-standing relationships with thousands of website owners, and analyzing the quality of those websites is currently our primary goal.

With Buzzshare, we provide you with the analysis tools to work with the best people all the time and to respectfully analyze their previous, current, and future work to instill greater trust that you have the right person for the job. This helps build stronger relationships moving forward as your business grows.


Our goal is to create a freelance service marketplace but with amazing website analysis and automated functionality.

Chris Needham, CEO at Buzzshare